Data Privacy - TechFeral Technology Goes Wild. Tue, 06 Jun 2023 17:28:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Data Privacy - TechFeral 32 32 Effective Cybersecurity Potential Risks Predictions Wed, 26 Feb 2020 09:41:33 +0000 Last updated on : August 16th, 2020 by R Yadav

Cybersecurity Potential Risks Predictions for Effective Risk mitigation and Management

What helps to predict the cybersecurity potential risks effectively? is a multi-billion question when it comes to you to answer and predict cybersecurity potential risk. If you want to list down the techniques for "Effective Cybersecurity Potential Risks Predictions" according to what our top security firms, tech magazines, and industry experts are saying.  

Are you new to Cybersecurity? “No worries – everyone has to start somewhere!”. Don’t worry, at TechFeral, we are here to help and brought a short guide on "Top 10 Best Cybersecurity Predictions for 2020".     We will also discuss with you about "What helps to predict the cybersecurity potential risks effectively" and tools, methodologies"  we should adopt to manage the risks effectively.    So without wasting time, let's start:    

Effective Cybersecurity Potential Risks Predictions
Effective Cybersecurity Potential Risks Predictions

Renowned CISO Stephane Nappo whos is a senior consultant specializing in IT security as of 1995 and global head of Stéphane Nappo, Société Générale International Banking and Financial Services,  says

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and a few minutes of cyber-incident to ruin it.”Stephane Nappo

A digest on cybersecurity: What is Cyber Security? Definition, Importance, Best Practices & More

Challenges faced during Cybersecurity Predictions

We also see that cybersecurity continues to be the top priority for directors of information (CIO) in 2020, as it has been for most of the last decade, with groups such as the National Association of State CIOs (NASCIO).

But although cybersecurity solutions offer a way forward to ensure that privacy protections are viable and effective, most people see data breaches, identity theft, ransomware, denial attacks, etc. and other cyber attacks as proof that cybersecurity has become the jugular, not the savior, for the new innovation.

Even as exciting advances in artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous vehicles, 5G networks, cloud computing, mobile devices and the Internet of things (IoT) occur, these same developments seem to cause negative social disruptions that appear in the headlines of The daily news. Increasing evolving threats count for 48% of cyber threats.

Top 10 Best Cybersecurity Predictions for 2020
Effective Cybersecurity Potential Risks Predictions: Courtesy: comparetech

The types of attacks and evolving threat vectors are always a moving target that faces white hats against black hats in an epic battle for our networks that will not be won soon. But the good news is that technology is also constantly evolving, and some of the smartest people are working round the clock to protect infrastructure and endpoints while preventing future attacks from happening.

Cybersecurity Potential Risks Predictions Techniques:

Threat assessment: It is a structured group process that is used to assess the risk posed by a student or another person, usually as a response to a real or perceived threat or worrying behavior. Threat assessment as a process was developed by the Secret Service in response to incidents.

Threat modeling: It is a procedure to optimize network security by identifying objectives and vulnerabilities and then defining countermeasures to prevent or mitigate the effects of threats to the system.

Threat mitigation: It is the process used to decrease the extent of a problem or attack by isolating or containing a threat until the problem can be remedied.

To achieve the above objective, you have to set up the "Security Risk Management Process" for Security risk predictions and mitigations:

Security Risk Management Process for Prediction:

Risk Management SetupDescription
1. Assets and network mappingIdentify all systems and networks. Discover all vulnerabilities. Collect configurations of all security and network controls. Classify and evaluates all assets.
2. Risk assessmentFind all relevant threats, typically from a threat intelligence feed. Find all threat scenarios taking into consideration the security and threat characteristics. Quantify risk for every attack scenario.
3. PrioritizationFor every cyber risk or attack scenario, decide on risk treatment: avoiding, optimizing, transferring, remediation or retaining risk. For risks that require remediation, plan effective mitigation given alternative solution, cost, time, etc. Verify the plan remediation that will actually mitigate the risk to an acceptable level.
4. RemediationPerform the remediation plan: Typically a combination of patching, removal of service,  security and network control re-configuration and installation of new control.
5. Progress trackingVerify the compliance of remediation work performed as per the approved plan. Submit report on progress and trends.

Top 7 best cybersecurity predictions: 2020

Top 7 best cybersecurity predictions: 2020
Top 7 best cybersecurity predictions: 2020

When it comes to cybersecurity predictions, in many ways, 2020 is a continuation of the present. Emerging trends include nation-state activity, IoT infrastructure attacks and more.

Top cybersecurity predictions list, that will help to predict the cybersecurity potential risks effectively are given below:

#1 Prediction: IoT goes up in a range

Attacks on the IoT infrastructure will be generalized ad more frequent. There have been rumors about the gaps in the cybersecurity of IoT. However, most business organizations are still unfortunately poorly prepared, particularly in regard to IoT infrastructure: the networks, computing and storage platforms through which IoT traffic travels. In the foreseeable future, business organizations must adopt proactive positions to protect their IoT infrastructure.

Recommended measures: Organisations deploying and acquiring IoT should have an IoT cybersecurity architecture, deployment roadmap, strategy, and that includes budgets and infrastructure.

#2 Prediction: State (Nation) promoted threats

Yes, you hear right!. State or Nation promoted cyber threats will become a more important threat to business organizations of other targeted companies or enterprises. Consider how Iran's immediate response to the United States drone attack against General Soleimani in  January was to threaten a cyber attack.

Business organizations are also at risk, particularly those with highly visible brands that are closely associated with the target countries. For example, visibly American companies, such as American Airlines, McDonald's, Coca-Cola and Starbucks, could be the target. The 2014 attack on Sony, widely recognized by the North Korean government, is a benchmark.

Recommended measures: Enterprises or Organizations must invest, plan, develop and execute a cybersecurity strategy that explicitly focuses on actors in national states.

#3 Prediction: DoS attacks will prevail

Denial of service (DoS) attacks of all varieties and at a large level will increase. Some business cybersecurity professionals can take on DoS attacks that specifically affect infrastructure elements, such as the network or a corporate website, for example. But more than half of all workloads are now in the cloud, according to Nemertes' 2020 cloud research study. This means that DoS attacks aimed at blocking employees outside the cloud will be increasingly effective.

Think about attacks against cloud-based identity and access management or single sign-on. If users cannot log in to their applications, they are dead in the water. More generally, as the infrastructure of all varieties is increasingly implemented, DoS attacks can have a devastating impact.

Recommended measures: Enterprises or Organizations must assess their vulnerability and risks to DoS attacks and review or improvise their incident response policies based on the trend of cyber attacks to reinforce their resistance.

#4 Prediction: Supply chain attacks

3rd party and supply chain attacks will intensify more than the past. Most corporate cybersecurity specialists could have ruled out the incident as unusual, something that probably won't affect them, that is a big mistake.

As noted in the first cybersecurity prediction for 2020, nation-state attacks are increasing. One of the main hallmarks of a nation-state attack is that nation-states can afford to invest years in a single attack. Many of these attacks come from countries in which the government exercises tight control over all manufacturing processes, for example, China.

Recommended measures: Business cybersecurity experts must collaborate with risk managers and procurement specialists to revisit global supply chains as cybersecurity attack vectors.

#5 Prediction: Focus on collaboration

Collaboration suites and tools will become increasingly attractive targets for attackers. Tools such as Slack, Zoom and Microsoft Teams create completely new vectors for the attack. As companies increasingly rely on such tools, they must strengthen their cybersecurity teams to address security flaws in these tools. More than 75% of companies will have cybersecurity specialists focused on suites and collaboration tools by the end of 2020.

Recommended measures: Business cybersecurity experts must ensure that they have a plan, architecture, and roadmap to protect collaboration tools.

#6 Prediction:  Technology to increase capabilities of Cyber security experts

Automation and machine learning will enhance the capabilities of the cybersecurity team. The most important operational cybersecurity metric, the average total time to contain, has decreased dramatically in the last four years. Nemertes measured that the best-performing companies can now detect a raid, determine that it is actually an attack and contain the attack in an average of 2 minutes, compared to 8 minutes in 2018.

How do these augment security professional's skills? They selectively implement artificial intelligence and machine learning, which help with detection and determination, and automation, which helps with containment. Tools such as behavior threat analysis and security orchestration, automation and response (SOAR) are examples of how automation can benefit security programs.

Recommended measures: Cybersecurity technologists should evaluate their technology portfolios and ensure that they are implementing the right tools of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation.

#7 Prediction: More automation

Automation facilitates makes easy for compliance and auditing burden Cybersecurity. Artificial intelligence, automation protect, machine learning, and companies against security incidents. In addition, automation produces an unforeseen benefit in terms of compliance: technology automates the process of recording and documenting responses to attacks. Some SOAR tools, for example, will capture and mark each action taken in response to an attack. This not only helps with autopsies but also makes it easier to provide the required documentation to the authorities.

Recommended measures: Cybersecurity experts must collaborate with the compliance and audit teams to make sure that the tools implemented to automate the capture of the necessary compliance and audit data.

Conclusion cybersecurity predictions:

Finally, the conclusion of these cybersecurity predictions for 2020 is that threats and threat vectors will multiply. But, with the right approach, technology, and training, cybersecurity teams should be able to keep them at bay.

Next similar topic:  what is a VPN? and where to download free VPN online.

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What is a VPN? and where to download free VPN online. Fri, 21 Feb 2020 12:00:38 +0000 Last updated on : June 6th, 2023 by R Yadav

VPNs are so easy to use and setup that anyone can do it without any technical expertise.  Learn how you to use a VPN to improve your online security, protect your privacy, access blocked content, and digital freedom, and much more. 

Are you new to VPN? "No worries – everyone has to start somewhere!"

Don't worry, At TechFeral, we are here to help and brought a short guide on What is a VPN and where to find the safe and most reliable best VPN for free as well paid.

If you still wonder what a VPN is, how it works, where you can use it and which one to choose, you've come to the right place. And please don't bother about the technical parts!

Let's begin, shall we?

What is a VPN (Virtual Private Network)?

Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a type of private network based on the backbone of a public network such as the WAN (Wide Area Network) or the Internet.

                                                 In today's digital world of 24x7 always-online work culture, the majority of users of this concept or technology are organizations of mid to large sizes and segments that use VPN to allow remote offices and employees to connect securely to their private network, using conventional Internet connections (public or private or leased line circuit).

what is VPN? and where to download free VPN online.
what is a VPN? and where to download free VPN online.

The concept of VPN originated from two requirements:

1 -  To replace conventional private lines with financially viable technologies that allow connecting people or employees and business units at a low cost.

2 - Use old and less secure communication networks to share data or information more securely.

If you think as a free-mind internet user like you and me, let's have a look at How do things work in practice?

VPNs are very useful in many online kinds of stuff. Not only VPN do provide better security and privacy for you and your devices, but they can also help you avoid censorship and access geographically blocked content on the Internet from anywhere.

Let's have a few cases of practical life:

Case 1:

If somebody wants to access Netflix USA from abroad or watch television broadcasts from other countries, or simply be an advocate of an Internet without borders, a good VPN with an excellent list of servers and high speeds will completely open up new worlds of entertainment to enjoy it.

Unblocking Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, BBC, Hulu, and Other Geo-blocked Content.

Case 2:

Most organizations use VPNs so that their employees can commercial applications, and access files, printers, and other resources on the VPN network through secure remote access.

other cases:

In addition, many people who value your privacy, like to use virtual private networks to minimize exposure and stay protected from the many threats that can be found online.

Simply needs a way to avoid censored content in their country or geographical restrictions on transmissions and services abroad.

Whatever the case, the bottom line is that VPNs help improve the freedom of access of the Internet use.

Why do we need a VPN service?

  • A virtual private network (VPN) gives you privacyencryption and protection online by creating a private network from a public Internet connection or over an unsecured Wi-Fi access point.
  • VPNs mask your Internet Protocol (IP) address so that your online actions are virtually impossible to track.
  • Browsing the web or making transactions over the internet anonymously and privately.
  • The encryption and anonymity that a VPN provides help protect yourself from online activities like online buying, sending emails, or paying bills.
  • Mask your location- By using Virtual Private Network, you can select the country of origin for your Internet traffic.
  • Access blocked websites:  VPN can bypass the restriction or censorship imposed by governments and you can access blocked websites easily.
  • Virtual Private Network Security:
    Security over the network is the main reason why organizations are using VPN for years. VPNs use advanced encryption protocols and secure tunnel techniques to encapsulate all online data transfers. The constantly evolving security threats and the growing dependence on the Internet make a virtual private network an essential part of integral security.

Integrity checks ensure that no data is lost and that the connection has not been hijacked. Since all traffic is protected, VPNs are more preferable compared to proxies.

How a VPN (Virtual Private Network) Works?

Let's have a look at how your connection to the Internet would work if somebody uses a VPN for an internet connection:

what is VPN? and where to download free VPN online.
What is a VPN? and where to download free VPN online?
  • To use a VPN service, he or she has to use a VPN app to connect to a VPN server through a VPN tunnel before you are exposed or has access to the public web. Incoming traffic is sent to your device through the VPN server and the client through private networks over the internet. That is the essence of how VPN connections work.
  • As an encrypted "tunnel" is established between users pc and the VPN server, your ISP (or anyone else) cannot sniff your traffic and data online. In addition, the VPN server will replace your IP address (provided by ISP) with a new one, once the connection is established, effectively hiding your geographic location online.
  • In general, unlike accessing the web without a VPN, doing so with a VPN guarantees that you can enjoy private browsing, the peace of mind of knowing that your personal information is protected and unrestricted access to any content (since hiding your IP address means you can avoid annoying firewalls and ISP blocks).
what is a VPN? and where to download free VPN online.
what is a VPN? and where to download free VPN online?

Here is a brief overview of the entire VPN process:

  1. Use the VPN client or app to connect to a VPN server. When you do that, the client begins to encrypt your data.
  2. The VPN client establishes a connection to the appropriate available server through ISP and configures the VPN  virtual secure "tunnel".
  3. The VPN server replaces your IP address with yours (hides user's geographic location), begins to decrypt the data it receives from users and routs its connections to the web.
  4. Once the VPN server receives the online data you requested from several web servers, it encrypts and returns it to your device through your ISP.
  5. When the VPN client receives incoming traffic from a VPN client, it decrypts it for you.

Setting a VPN on your PC and smartphone

Setting up a VPN is a simple process. It is often as simple as entering a username and server address. Dominant smartphones can configure virtual private networks using PPTP and L2TP / IPsec protocols. All major operating systems can configure PPTP VPN connections.  

On PC or Laptop:

There are two ways of installing and configuring VPN in the PC or Laptop :-

1. Downloading and installing VPN setp.exe file and installing on PC.

2. Or you can install a VPN extension in the browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc) itself.  

On smartphones or tablets or i-pads:

Download VPN apps form app stores and simply install them.

VPN protocols

One of the most important parts is to choose the correct VPN protocol. The number of protocols and security features available continues to grow over time. The most common protocols are:

Most VPNs use one or more of the following protocols: PPTP, L2TP, SSTP, IKEV2, and OpenVPN. In general, you can easily switch between them through the configuration menu.

As a general rule, use OpenVPN whenever possible: it offers the best balance between speed and safety.

How Does a VPN Guarantee Privacy of end-user?

You may wonder how you can enjoy complete anonymity when your VPN provider basically replaces your ISP as the watchdog of your Internet traffic. That is a valid concern, and the answer is that you can never be 100% anonymous, even with a VPN.

No-Logs Policies:

It is crucial to understand that privacy is not equal to anonymity, and there is a big difference. No matter what, your VPN provider can view your activity online. Unless it works under a no-logs policy.

Many VPN services with strong privacy promise that your connection and bandwidth data will never be collected, stored or shared. This means that your zero-registration VPN provider cannot delve into your confidential information. In addition, the lack of records will prevent your data from being delivered to the authorities, if requested.

In summary, a non-registration policy is a mandatory feature of any VPN that claims it can improve your privacy.

VPNs vs Proxy Servers

You might wonder why you should choose a VPN instead of a simple proxy server to access geo-blocked content, for example. A proxy server is an intermediary that masks your IP address on the Internet, doing nothing to protect your data. If changing the IP address is the only task you are looking for, a proxy may be a good option.

However, a VPN will change your IP address while encrypting your information. You can consider it as a two-in-one service.

For more information on the difference between the two and decide which one to use, you can consult our VPN vs proxies guide.

VPN and Tor

Tor, also known as The Onion Router, is an anonymous network that sends its data through at least three relays before reaching its destination but has its limitations. That is why if anonymity is particularly important to you, it is a good idea to use a combination of VPN and Tor.

There are two ways to do it:

Tor over VPN

In this model, it connects first to your VPN and then to Tor; in this way, third parties who may be spying on your connection will not be able to see that you are using Tor (which could arouse suspicion).

VPN over Tor

When you connect to Tor first, your data enters Tor, it goes through an exit node and then is passed to a VPN server.

Are VPNs are legal?

The short answer is yes! Citizens in most countries have a legal right to privacy, and VPNs do not violate any laws as pieces of software, so, in essence, their use is rarely illegal.

While VPNs are generally legal, there are several countries that try to actively monitor and restrict them. It is also important to know that, in most cases, it is not about whether you are using a VPN or not, but what you are using it for.

Some countries (such as China, Russia, and Iran) do not prohibit the use of VPN, but there is a catch. Technically, you can only use government-approved VPN services.

This means that approved providers have probably met the requirements against privacy and censorship, which makes their VPN services useless for many.

The United Arab Emirates is another notable example, where the threat of jail is added in addition to the six-figure fines. But, contrary to popular belief, the use of a VPN in this country is not totally prohibited: what is prohibited (and punishes) by law is to use one for "illegal purposes." These range from the game and hate speech to access Skype and Wikipedia, so, as you can see, it is quite easy to commit a crime with a VPN according to UAE law.

Other countries such as Iraq, Belarus, and Turkmenistan go even further by completely banning the use of a VPN. Whether to curb the terrorist presence in social networks, establish political control or simply restrict access to foreign media, the online privacy of citizens in these regions is severely restricted by law.

What is the main takeaway here? With the exception of some extreme cases, the use of a VPN is perfectly legal. However, some countries have unique requirements and restrictions on what VPN to use and what to use them for.

If you are planning a trip to Russia, China or the Middle East, it is important to familiarize yourself with the way VPNs are treated within the legal context of these countries. Otherwise, you probably have problems.

In the market, there is a lot of VPN services are available. Unfortunately, such plenty of options can also be very confusing and difficult to choose the right VPN for you. Don't worry! You can find the right VPN for you if you set your priorities directly. Let us help you with that.

What should you be looking for in a VPN?

What should you be looking for in a VPN?

It may seem that people get a VPN for " security & privacy and," but such a statement does not really help with their choice. Also, you know that VPNs can do much more for you. The fact is that VPN users are different in their needs and preferences. Now it is clear that it's up to you to find out why exactly you want a VPN.

  • To surf the Internet and public wi-fi safely and privately

You can opt for a low-cost VPN or free VPN service if you are a casual user who needs simple protection without frills, or you can take a look at the best services if you want excellent performance and a host of features. In any case, do not compromise your privacy and be sure to choose a provider of zero records.

  • To eliminate strong censorship

If you are planning a trip to China, you probably don't want to deal with the Great Firewall there. To avoid VPN crashes and access your favorite websites and services from regions with serious censorship, you need a VPN that offers concealment and stealth settings.

  • Unlock popular broadcasts

Many use VPN to unblock Netflix from abroad, and that requirement may take priority over any other feature. However, Netflix and other popular streaming platforms have made it extremely difficult for many VPN services to gain access without being detected.

  • To download torrents 

Not all VPNs support point-to-point (P2P) connections on their servers and even some that are not ideal for torrents. What you are looking for here is a good variety of P2P servers near your actual location. And like transmission, torrent is an intensive task of bandwidth, so your VPN must also be fast.

Best top 5 Free VPN Services That Still Works

While it's easy to find a free VPN but finding a reliable one with no hidden costs that really allow you to access Netflix and Torrents, and keep it safe? This is much more challenging. I tested and classified more than 10 VPN services that claimed to be free, to offer you the definitive list of the 10 best free VPNs.

Almost all free VPNs come with a limitation. In most cases, providers will limit their data, bandwidth, connection speed, and available server locations and even block it from streaming services.

Short on time? Here’s a summary of the Best top 5 Free VPN Services That Still Works 

  • NordVPN: Our recommended #1 VPN service which offers first-level security and fast speeds with no data limits. Use your money-back guarantee to enjoy it without risk.
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  • Hotspot Shield: Use fast and reliable connections on a server in the US located server with 500 MB of free data every day. That's enough to check emails or update Facebook, but it's not good for streaming.
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  • Windscribe: Take advantage of Windscribe's robust and easy-to-use security interface with 10 GB of free data per month. There are 10 free servers to choose from, but none of them can unlock Netflix.
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  • ProtonVPN: Secure VPN with unlimited data and high-end security features, but only three server locations.
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  • Safe and reliable option that offers 2 GB per month in your free plan. That's enough to broadcast an episode of a television show, but not a movie.
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Best top 5 paid VPN Services

  • Planet VPN: Planet VPN has one of the best state-of-the-art encryption with high-speed VPN-servers to safeguard your privacy. One can connect geo-blocked content and streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, BBC player to watch your favorite movies and web series.

It has 390 high-performing VPN servers around the globe covering more than 50 countries and 5 continents.

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Try PlanetVPN
  • ExpressVPN: One of the best all-round VPN services for privacy, speed,  and unblocking.ExpressVPN delivered an outstanding performance in our speed tests and excellent customer service, plus a 30-day money-back guarantee.
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  • NordVPN: Strong security and privacy functions and a reliable network of servers that offer good speeds for transmission and download. Easy to use applications. Includes a 30-day money-back guarantee.
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  • CyberGhost: beginners with easy-to-use applications. A low-cost service good security. Some of the fastest speeds we have seen.
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  • IPVanish: Budget network that has its own servers. Favored by users and torrent of Kodi for its constant speeds.
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  • PureVPN: Offers detailed support documentation on how to overcome most internet restrictions imposed by the state.One of the best Safe and reliable  VPN service.
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We hope this guide has answered all your questions on "what is a VPN? and where to download free VPN online."! Now it is time to choose your free and paid VPN as per your requirement and enjoy a better and safer Internet.

You may also check the latest best VPN solution for multiple devices "Weprivacy-Best VPN for Multiple Devices". You may also like to go through the article stating a quick comparison of products' best VPNs available at a great price.

If you have any queries or thoughts to improve the article, please feel free to contact/ comment in the comment box below. Also, please share the article with your colleague and friends to make internet surfing more secure, safe and enjoy better internet life.


Q1. How much I will have to pay for a good VPN?

Different providers offer different prices for their services, usually between $ 5 and $ 10 per month.

Q2. What is the VPN provider's privacy policy?

As discussed above, you want to make sure that your VPN service provider is committed to maintaining your privacy.

Q3.What is the geographical distance between the VPN server and the server I want to access?
As mentioned, this will directly affect your browsing speed. Keep in mind that when choosing a high-quality VPN provider, you won't have to worry too much about speed issues.

Q4. How many servers does the provider have and where are they?
The server list is an integral backbone of any VPN network and service. The more you have available, the better. Its dissemination is also very important, especially if you need to connect to servers in several countries. Finally, thousands of servers mean nothing if most of them are slow, so make sure the network is adequate by checking what experts and users say.

Q5.How many devices can I use simultaneously?
VPNs are available for almost all major platforms, including desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. While some VPN service providers will limit you to one device at a time, others will allow you to simultaneously connect several different devices to their servers at the same time. Pay special attention to this if you need multiple simultaneous connections.

Q6.How good is the customer service of the supplier?
When reading customer reviews and ratings for each VPN service provider, you can choose a provider that responds to your queries or concerns in a timely and professional manner.

Q7.Does the provider offer a free trial?
The best and fastest way to know if a service suits your needs is to try it on your own. For a list of excellent services that allow you to try them for free, check out the best VPNs with free trials.

Q8.Does the provider offer cross-platform support?
To easily use the VPN on any device, find out if the service website offers native customers. If not, you will want to get clear instructions for manual settings; make sure your VPN has them.

Q9.Are there additional features or advantages?
Last but not least, some VPN features are essential, and you absolutely must have them. The main elements of your list are the interrupt switch and DNS leak protection. Others, such as hidden configuration, double encryption, static IP addresses, and split tunnel, can be useful, depending on your needs.

Next topic: What is Cyber Security? Definition, Importance, Best Practices & More

Source: Norton| Hideme

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What is Cyber Security? Definition, Importance, Best Practices & More Wed, 19 Feb 2020 18:14:24 +0000 Last updated on : October 21st, 2021 by R Yadav

What is Cyber Security?

In this brief article/ guide,  we have brought a digest on cyber security so that user's data and private information remain safe and secure in this very much challenging digital evolving world. After reading guide our users will learn about  What is Cyber Security?  why it's important, and how to get started building cyber security measures and plan to build a safe data house of individual or organization.

What is Cyber Security? Definition, Importance, Best Practices & More
What is Cyber Security? Definition, Importance, Best Practices & More

Definition of Cyber Security: 

Cyber security can be defined as a set of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks and devices, software, programs and data against attacks, vulnerabilities, damage or unauthorized access. Cyber security is also known as IT (Information technology) security.


In simple words, Cyber security is the practice of protecting servers, computers, IT and network devices, electronic systems, and data from threats and malicious attacks.

Cyber Security is also known as information technology security or electronic information security. The Cyber Security term is frequently applied in a variety of platforms, from business to mobile computing, and can be segregated into some common categories. The in-depth knowledge and expertise in cyber skills can be gained through best cyber security courses online.

Why  Cyber Security is Importance?

The Importance Of Cyber Security:

  • Cybersecurity is important because the military, government, business, financial and medical institutions or organizations create, collect, process and store a large chunk of data on computers and other devices.
What is Cyber Security? Definition, Importance, Best Practices & More
What is Cyber Security? Definition, Importance, Best Practices & More
  • An important part of that data may be secured and confidential information, whether financial data, personal information, intellectual property, or other data for which unauthorized access or exposure would result in negative consequences.
  • Nowadays, Organizations transfer confidential data over conventional IT networks and other devices in the course of their business, and cybersecurity describes the measure dedicated to protecting that information and the systems used to process or store it.
  • As the volume and evolution of cyber threats creates new challenges to companies and organizations, especially those that have the task of protecting information related to national security, financial records, health or must take preventive measures to protect their business information and confidentiality of data.
To know more on

Effective Cybersecurity Potential Risks Predictions & Effective Cybersecurity Potential Risks Predictions

Types Of Cyber Security:

Network security: It is the practice of protecting a computer network from cyber threats and vulnerabilities, whether selective attackers or opportunistic malware.

Information security: It protects the integrity and privacy of data, both in the stage of storage and in transmission.

Application security: It focuses on ensuring software and devices free of vulnerability and threats. A compromised application could provide access to data that is designed to protect. Effective cyber security begins at the initial design stage, long before a program or device is implemented.

What is Cyber Security? Definition, Importance, Best Practices & More
What is Cyber Security? Definition, Importance, Best Practices & More

Operational security: It includes the processes and decisions to manage and protect data assets. The permissions that users have when accessing a network and the procedures that determine how and where data can be stored or shared are included in this framework.

Disaster recovery and business continuity: It defines how an organization is ready to respond to a cybersecurity incident or any other event that causes loss of operations or data.

Disaster recovery policies dictate how the organization has taken standard measures to restores its operations and information to return to the same operational capacity as before the event.

Business continuity is the plan that the organization uses when trying to operate without certain resources.

End-user or End Point Security: The most important one! education of End-user addresses the most unpredictable cybersecurity factor: people. Anyone can accidentally introduce a virus into a secure system if they do not follow good security practices. Get users educated to remove suspicious email attachments, not plug in unidentified USB devices, and several other important cyber awareness are vital to the security of any organization

Challenges Of Cyber Security:

  • One of the most difficult challenge in cyber security is the ever-evolving nature of security vulnerabilities and risks poses by the intruders.
  • Conventionally, the government and organizations have focused most of their cybersecurity resources on security aspects to protect only the most critical infrastructure or components of the system and defend against known threats or enemies. In today's context, this approach is insufficient, as threats move forward and change faster than organizations can keep up.
What is Cyber Security? Definition, Importance, Best Practices & More
What is Cyber Security? Definition, Importance, Best Practices & More
  • As a result, advisory organizations promote more proactive and adaptive approaches to cybersecurity. Similarly, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issued guidelines in its risk assessment framework that recommend a shift towards continuous monitoring and real-time assessments, a data-centric approach to security rather than the traditional perimeter-based model.
  • For effective cybersecurity, an organization needs to coordinate its efforts throughout its information system. The elements of cyber security cover all of the following:
    • Network security
    • Application security
    • Database and infrastructure security
    • Cloud security
    • Mobile security
    • Endpoint security
    • Data security
    • Identity management
    • Disaster recovery/business continuity planning
    • End-user education

Cyber Security Management:

The National Cyber ​​Security Alliance (NCSA), through, recommends a top-down approach to cybersecurity in which corporate management leads the task of prioritizing cybersecurity management in all business practices.

The NCSA reports says that companies must be prepared to "respond to the inevitable cyber incident, restore normal operations and ensure that the company's assets and the company's reputation are protected."

The NCSA guidelines for conducting cyber risk assessments focus on three key areas:

  1. Identifying the "crown jewels" of your organization, or your most valuable IT asset that requires protection.
  2. Identifying the threats and risks that informational data may face.
  3. Outlining the damage that your organization would incur if such data is lost or exposed by mistake.

Types of cyber security threats:

The threats posses by cybersecurity are threefold:

1. Cybercrime includes individual actors or groups that point to systems to obtain financial gain or cause disruptions.

2. The cyber attack often involves the collection of politically motivated information.

3. Cyberterrorism is intended to undermine electronic systems to cause panic or fear.

So how do malicious agents or actors gain control of IT systems? These are some common methods used to threaten cybersecurity:

Malware: Malware means malicious software. One of the most common cyber threats, malware, is software that a cybercriminal or hacker has created to interrupt or damage a legitimate user's computer. Often propagated through an unsolicited email attachment or a legitimate-looking download, cybercriminals can use malware to make money or in politically motivated cyber attacks.

There are several different types of malware, which includes:

  • Virus: A self-replicating program or code that is attached to clean files and spreads through a computer system and network systems, infecting files with malicious code.
  • Trojans: A type of malware that poses itself as legitimate software. Cyber ​​criminals trick users into loading Trojans on their computer where they cause damage or collect data.
  • Ransomware: A malware that blocks access to user's files and data, with the threat of deleting it unless a ransom or demand is paid.
What is Cyber Security? Definition, Importance, Best Practices & More
What is Cyber Security? Definition, Importance, Best Practices & More
  •  Adware: An advertising software that can be used to spread malware.
  • Spyware: A program that secretly steals information what a user does, so that cybercriminals can make use of this information. For e.g., spyware could capture credit card details.
  • Botnets: Computer networks gets infected with malware that cybercriminals use to perform online tasks without the user's permission.
  • Man attack in the middle: A man attack in the middle is a type of cyber threat in which a cybercriminal intercepts communication between two individuals to steal data. For e.g, in an unsecured WiFi network, an intruder could intercept the data transmitted from the victim's device and the network.
  • Identity fraud: Impersonation occurs when cyber criminals attack victims with emails that appear to come from a legitimate company that requests confidential information. Phishing attacks are often used to trick people into delivering credit card data and other personal information.
  • Denial of Service Attack: A denial of service attack is when cybercriminals prevent a computer system from satisfying legitimate requests by overwhelming networks and servers with traffic. This makes the system unusable, preventing an organization from performing vital functions.
  • SQL injection: An SQL injection (structured language query) is a type of cyber attack used to take control and steal data from a database. Cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities in data-based applications to insert malicious code into a database through a malicious SQL statement. This gives them access to the confidential information contained in the database.

It would not be wrong if we say today's generation lives on the internet. So your private data on social networking sites, online shopping, chatting apps, and in this digital world, how secure? let us know.

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