Simple Yet Effective Videos - TechFeral Technology Goes Wild. Thu, 17 Sep 2020 09:09:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Simple Yet Effective Videos - TechFeral 32 32 How Will You Make Simple Yet Effective Videos - Some Easy Guidelines Thu, 27 Aug 2020 17:19:19 +0000 Last updated on : September 17th, 2020 by R Yadav

Have you recently watched a promotional or explainer video on any of the social media channels? If yes, then what did you find attractive about it? What did it explain or what was the message put across. 

If you have an answer to these questions, then probably the video was effective and performance-based. If you don't, then the chances are that the video was boring and uninformative. Probably, you stopped watching it immediately after it started! Is it?

As a businessman, if you have done this, you must have an idea about creating simple but effective videos, right? But what are the strategies that can be used for this purpose? Facebook recommends targeting short 15 second videos.

Sounds easy! But how do you get going? Creating simple but result-oriented videos is more difficult than designing images or writing blogs. Here are some easy guidelines for you:

Come Up with an Objective

Work on the things or the goals you are looking to accomplish through your videos. Do you have plans to engage the consumers or prospects? Are you looking to make the viewers laugh? Or product promotion is right on your mind?

Defining the right objective behind creating and posting a video on different social media platforms is very important. Unless you have a certain objective, it will get really difficult for you to create something effective and alluring.

Determine Target Audience

A business can't target almost every individual in this world. Businesses thinking of posting video content on different social media platforms should clearly understand their ideal customers.

Failing to do so might result in diluted messages within the video content. Only the right audience will be able to contemplate the message you share through your video. At the same time, being clear and concise about the audience you want to share your video with will help you reach the right audience.

Once you know your niche audience, it will be easier to find out where these people hang out on the internet. So, you can distribute your videos accordingly.


Brainstorming ideas for creating top-quality videos is very important. You can generate a lot of ideas by having a look at your blog posts.

Try going for the blogs that have resonated with the audience. These will be a great subject for creating video content. The strategy can help you in creating some of the most-liked videos.

Include a Lot of Lighting

If you find that the videos you have made are lagging in light, use a top-quality video editor for improving this quality. You know, lighting has an important role to play in creating a finished and highly professional video. Hence, it should be your top priority when filming business video content.

Filming your videos outdoors is one of the best options as you get a lot of natural sunlight. Soft lighting can best be availed during the morning or the evening. However, if you are recording a video indoors, try to be more intentional about the different varieties of lights you are using and their placement.

Completely avoid overhead lighting as it can result in unflattering shadows on the faces of the subjects. In indoor video recording, windows can be used as natural sources of light. Large lamps can also be used.

Always Use Clean Backgrounds

Being deliberate about video background is important. Avoid going for a distracting and messy background as it can put the viewers down. One good way of getting a professional appearance is by using backgrounds in solid colors.

Good options include large sheets of backdrop paper, bedsheets, or walls. Also, ensure that the subject of the view is several feet away from the background as this avoids casting shadows on the subject.

Always choose professional environments for shooting business video content. The workplace will be the perfect location for your video. Always remember, the filming set is an integral part of the result percentage garnered through a video. So be careful about filming videos with reflective surfaces in the backdrop.

Decide on the Core Business Message

If it is getting difficult for you to put down the business message in one whole video, it would be better to use a slideshow for getting your message across. Before that, you must decide on the core message you are looking to distribute through your video.

This entails returning to the objectives all over again. Since you have the target audience in your mind, it will not take you extra time to come up with the core business message you want to deliver to the audience.

Keep the end objective in mind and work on what you want the prospects to do once they are done watching your video. Work on delivering something that forces them to think about your brand or the products and services you offer.

Come Up with a Smart Budget

Once you are done deciding on the core message and the target audience, it is time for you to come up with a smart budget. Take financial expenses seriously during the video pre-production stage. Failing to do so might inadvertently affect your budget.

Vagueness in considering the budget for the video promotion means it would get impossible for you to manage expectations. Remember, there are certain elements of creating a video that can be more expensive than the others. So, make use of your smartphone to cut costs. But then also do not compromise on the quality of the content.

Intro Should be Outstanding

You might wonder why the intro element is right at last on this list of important tips on making simple and effective videos. That's because the guideline regarding creating your engaging video introduction should be fresh in your mind.

That being said, your introduction should be inspiring, informative, and entertaining!

Parting Words

Put in a good time in making your video professional. This will benefit your brand in several ways. Professional-looking videos are not just effective but magical when it comes to creating a presence that stays for a very long time.

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